
Contract to Close Concierge Service

for Real Estate Agents and Agent Teams

who are ready to UPLEVEL and UPSCALE their business.

Generate more income with less hassle by working SMARTER not HARDER.

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this is what i see so many real estate agents struggle with...

👉 You are maxed out on the hours you can work, but your bank account doesn't reflect the hours you're spending doing all the things you need to do to keep your business moving.


👉 You are constantly getting derailed by texts, emails and phone calls related to contract activites and timelines.  You are continuously worried about missing important deadlines which makes is almost impossible to consistently focus on income generating activities.


👉 You know you desperately need extra support in your business but the thought of hiring, training and managing a new employee is overwhelming and not financially feasible.


👉 You want to control expenses while increasing income but you are frustrated because you are struggling with both.

and here's what i know...

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i have been where you are.

As a real estate agent of 9 years, I understand the struggle. Juggling all the competing priorities can be exhausting and overwhelming on a daily basis. Most days would start out with a plan and end with something much different. I was feeling frustrated and discouraged with all the hours I was investing into my business with a return that was underwhelming. I knew something had to change. I recognized the parts of real estate I loved, and let go of the parts I didn't. Best decision ever!

your business has the potential for more.

You want more for you business and your life. You are tired of feeling overwhelmed with all the paperwork tracking and timeline management that clogs up your day. You started your real estate business to sell homes, but all the necessary, daily tasks are keeping you from doing what you love.

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You can generate more income with less hassle!

here is what that looks like for you...

✔️ You plan your day and you stick to your plan. Proactive activities drive your business while reactive activites are only an occassional occurence. Your stress level is reduced because your timelines are being monitored and managed by your very capable, professional team member.


✔️ Your contracts are being managed like clockwork by a highly trained team member who alerts you when it is time for you to take action.  No hiring, training or managing staff required.


✔️. You are in control of your expenses as you watch your income grow.

and here is how to make it happen....

When you partner with us, here is what you get:

A dedicated contract to close concierge

who is presented as part of your team to all parties of the sale.

Exclusive and unparalled transaction management system

designed to deliver exceptional service to you, your clients and your business partners.

Here's what is included in our service:

✔️ Professional-level communication

✔️ Timeline and document management

✔️ Scheduling and Coordination of key events

are you ready to....

💡 Increase your income without increasing your work hours?


💡 Grow and scale your business without adding overhead expenses to your books?


💡 Increase referrals by increasing customer satisfaction?


💡.Gain more control of your time so you can spend it generating more income.



i'm ready to uplevel and upscale my business!


in the meantime, grab my free resource:



MANAGE ALL your timelines, deadlines, key details and contact information for each contract ALL IN ONE PLACE.

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